Schleswig, Germany
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Viking Ship reconstruction ‘KRAKA FYR’

During my research visit at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde I grasped the opportunity to join Kraka Fyr’s bådelaug and spent some awe-inspiring hours on Roskilde Fjord. This is the reconstruction of Skuldelev 6, which is believed to be a fishing or small merchant vessel. It was built around 1030 in western Norway and after its working life it was scuttled at the entrance of Roskilde Fjord – at Skuldelev – to form a ship-barrier.

On a greyish day we set sail and crossed Roskilde Fjord. Our destination was a …well….erm…cow pasture on the opposite side. The vessel was beached and we set foot on said pasture. No cows were harmed in this expedition. After a short break, we returned to the vessel and sailed back to Roskilde.  On the homebound trip I was offered the helm and I steered this fine vessel back into its port.

I created this tribute to express my gratitude for the warm welcome by the modern-day Vikings.