
15.01.25 | Available for pre-order: INTERTIDAL SHIPWRECKS
A global array of case studies demonstrating practices for preserving the maritime cultural heritage of vulnerable shipwrecks
Link to the publisher (UPF-press)
04.04.24 | Symposium paper on strandings in the Wadden Sea
The symposium “Après le naufrage… Récupération, réemploi et recyclage des épaves” at the French National Maritime Museum in Paris dealt with the question of what happens to ships after their loss. On the 3rd symposium day I presented some case studies from the German Wadden Sea.
Link to the conference
17.01.24 | UPF-volume recommended for publication by reviewers
The volume “The Intertidal Shipwreck: Management of a Historic Resource in an Unmanageable Environment” co-edited by Jennifer Jones, Calvin Mires and myself was recommended for publication by the series editors.

08.06.23 | MS-PPC website launched (Erasmus+ programme)
The Marine Spaces – Planning / Culture / Climate (MS-PCC) programme is a two-stage effort to build a Joint MSc in Sustainable Ocean Management that integrates training in Maritime Cultural Heritage, Marine Spatial Planning, and Climate Science.

01.05.23 | Freelancing as offshore archaeologist
Due to a growing demand for an archaeological watching brief on UXO clearance campaigns, I have expanded my portfolio and started to offer my services as an offshore archaeologist.

19.08.22 | Conference website
The website of the conference “Shipwrecks in the Intertidal Zone” has been launched, which I am co-organising and managing on behalf of the State Archaeology Department of Schleswig-Holstein.

09.04.22 | SPIEGEL-coverage
The challenges encountered in documenting Süderoog’s maritime cultural heritage by Holger Spreer and myself was highlighted in a 2-page SPIEGEL article.

08.04.22 | Guest lecture at Koç University (Istanbul)
At the invitation of Prof. Matthew Harpster, director of the Koç University’s Mustafa V. Koç Maritime Archaeology Research Center (KUDAR), I presented my recent wreck research at KUDAR’s campus as invited speaker.

06.03.22 | Süderoogsand wrecks investigated
Interim report on my investigation of historic shipwrecks on the outer shoal of Süderoogsand (one of the three North Frisian barrier islands) shortly after their exposure by a storm.

20.01.22 | Co-published an article about a geophysical wreck survey
entitled: “Multi-Coil FD-EMI in Tidal Flat Areas: Prospection and Ground Truthing at a 17th Century Wooden Ship WreckageMulti-Coil FD-EMI in Tidal Flat Areas: Prospection and Ground Truthing at a 17th Century Wooden Ship Wreckage”

30.08.21 | Cooperation with the Dutch heritage agency
Between March and August 2021 I contributed to the shipwreck-database “MaSS” of the ‘Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed’ as freelance editor.
MaSS shipwreck database
30.07.21 | Hörnum Odde wreck published in the ISBSA-proceedings
My article about a late 17th-century wreck built with a double-planked ‘Dutch-flush’ technique was published in the ISBSA-proceedings.