Schleswig, Germany
+49 (0)151 5054 6144

Konferenzen (2010-2015)

Mai/Juni 2013Avaldsnes (Norwegen)Hanseatic Trade in the North Atlantic: New Discoveries from Archaeology and HistoryPräsentation: Interpreting the ‚Beluga Ship‘ – A 15th-century shipwreck with Scandinavian features from the Hanseatic City of Bremen

Oktober 2012Amsterdam (Niederlande)13th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology
Poster-Präsentation: Variations in medieval shipbuilding – A Bremen case study
Februar 2012Greifswald Winterschule des Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskollegs Greifswald „Hansegeschichte als Regionalgeschichte“Präsentation
November 2011Helsinki (Finnland)2nd Baltic Workshop for PhD Researchers in Maritime ArchaeologyTeilnahme
Oktober 2011Bremen Deutscher Archäologie Kongress / DGAMN-Tagung „Holzbau im Mittelalter und der Neuzeit“ Präsentation: Variationen in der mittelalterlichen Schiffbautechnik anhand von Wrackfunden in Bremen
Mai 2011Cattolica (Italien)Sommer School of the University of Bologna: Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. A cultural bridge between northern and southern EuropePräsentation: Cogs in the Baltic Sea: A challenging quest for tracing innovation and change in high medieval shipbuilding and navigation on the basis of an ambivalent historical-archaeological record
Juni 2010Stockholm (Schweden)1st Baltic Workshop for PhD Researchers in Maritime Archaeology
März 2010Toronto (Kanada)Gentes trans albiam. International Conference on Landscapes and Societies in Ancient and Medieval Europe East of the Elbe – Interactions between Environmental Settings and Cultural Transformations, co-organised by the History Department at York University in Toronto, the Graduate School ‘Human Developments in Landscapes’ at the University of Kiel and the German Historical Institute in Warsaw Präsentation: Dynamics for Cultural Change in the Baltic Sea Region in the Age of the Northern Crusades – a maritime archaeological perspective